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In today’s competitive business environment, more than ever before, organizations need teams of healthy and motivated employees in order to compete successfully.

It is proven that healthy employees have:

  • Lower stress levels

  • Less sickness

  • Reduced absenteeism

  • Improved employee morale

  • Higher work rate productivity


Even a small investment in employee’s health can pay big dividends – leading to a significant return on investment.

Whether your emphasis is on team building or developing a healthy and active business culture, Elev8’s 24 Hour Fitness Center has a group of qualified trainers that will develop a corporate fitness program that meets your needs. Our Corporate Wellness program includes: weekly classes, nutritional guidance, monthly measurements, and body fat calculations.


We would like to offer your employees a complimentary one-week pass to our facility to either workout on their own or to join our FIT Classes. We will also offer 10% off of ALL individual personal training packages of 1 month or more!


Partnering with Elev8 will help you reap the benefits of a healthy workforce—whether it’s in the form of lower healthcare costs, increased productivity, or higher worker morale. To order your Free 7 day guest passes to Elev8 24 Hour Fitness Center or to set up your FREE Corporate FIT Class, simply contact us here. Please include the number of employees who will need a 7 day guest pass, and the number of employees that will be attending your customized FIT class.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly 757-232-5273.

ELEV8 FITNESS  (757) 232-5273



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